How can I prove anthopogenic global warming?
You can't.

What makes something true?
How does deductive truth (ie math) relate to inductive truth (ie science)?

Outsourcing Ourselves: When Human Abilities Are Rented, Not Owned
The hidden dangers of delegating life's 'trivial' tasks to technology

The fable of the caterpillar
A fun intro to my masters topic; abstraction for efficient reinforcment learning.

Immortalized in plastic (story prompt)
What will be left over after humanity? Plastic...

Con-fusion: (story prompt)
A fusion of confusion.

The future of environmental sciences?
What would the profession of environmental engineering look like?

Being open minded
Play a 'game' with me

Palm oil in NZ's dairy
tldr; cows are fed palm kernel.

An insurance company idea?!
An attempt to incentivise preventive healthcare.

Wish list of psychological metrics
What if we could accurately measure {INSERT}?

Another research proposal
Automated science

Principles of neural design
Note from reading the book.

Notes and thoughts from attending ACL.

The book of why
A couple of notes

Covering letter for my first PhD proposal
Principles of neural design, automated science, general reinforcement learning

What are these power-compare websites for?
An example of how to regulate markets to remove inefficiencies.

Policy search engine
Motivating a tool for tracking the effects of policies.

A tribute to Carl Sagan and to science.

A guide to regulation
If we measure things, we can regulate them, fairly.