
Tried of your unpredictable metabolism with a mind of its own? It mismanages sugar, fats, salts… It, effects your mood, makes noises…?
Want more control? Do we have a solution for you? Yes.

People are removing their gastrointestinal organs and buying Gastro which regulates energy and proteins in the bloodstream. Gastro needs to be recharged (and discharged) over night.


The act of walking, running or exercising require attention, a valuable resource. What if you wouldn’t have to spend another moment attending to these tasks? ‘Physio’ has you covered.

When switched on: control of your limbs will be outsourced to our state-of-the-art motor control policies. They have some great features like; auto-pilot, self-preservation, efficiency, workout, … It cant get lost, it won’t injure you, it won’t harm others!


Learning a new language, sport, …, can be confusing, intimidaing and just hard. What if it was as easy as selecting the topic and waiting for a week? Well, it is that easy with Psydy!

While you live your life as usual, we train a copy of your brain on the knowledge or skills you wish to aquire; taekwondo, violin, political science, 1920’s art history, … . We then update your brain to include the trained copy, imparting the new skills.


Sometimes emotions get in the way of life. Sad for no obvious reason? Hangry, but you just ate? Need to focus, now!?

‘Emote’ offers a way to modulate our emotional states like never before.

Emote is a implant that help modulate the activity of your amygdala, hypothalamus, Pituitary gland, hippocampus, Pineal gland. It can also be used to induce emotions, like happiness, sadness, anger, … To make you more productive, more social, more creative, …

These advertisements are supposed to highlight of the dangers of outsourcing our own lives.

Every convenience a piece of our humanity relinquished?

Inspired by the following examples of outsourcing:

In the early ’80s, IBM outsourced their software needs to a then-small company, Microsoft. Microsoft retain the rights to the software and sold it to other companies, effectively giving them a professional head start. This decision is hindsight is noted as one of the main factors contributing to Microsoft becoming a global tech giant. ref

US electronics manufacturing enthusiastically embraced outsourcing to countries such as Japan, Taiwan and China. First cheaper parts, then cheaper assemblies, …etc. Then finally these foreign companies started making products that undercut US products. The point is, US companies kept outsourcing, thinking they were winning at every step. Until they realised, too late, that they had given away all the important parts of their business!

So what are the important parts of life? The parts that we want to keep? The everyday struggles of; losing some weight, of feeling confused about a new topic, feeling saddened by a racist comment, …